as the Los Angeles Mirror, whose feature writer Paul Coates is himself the source of the current slurs against our Missions and Purposes, what would we find? We would find that if a person were a believer in low-cost public housing, if a person ever signed a petition to end lynching in the South or to end restrictive covenants in California, if a person had attended Wallacefor-President rallies in 1948, if a person objected to anti-Semitic outbreaks or if he had written a letter to congress urging the free State of Israel in 1948, if a person were one of the 80,000,000 warm supporters of Mr. Roosevelt's war-time international agreements, if a person had been anti-Nazi or antiFranco in 1939, we would be informed by this or that feature writer of the press that all such persons previously described were either Communist-led or Communist-dominated by association. In the absence of a clear analytical definition of a Communist, in the absence of any clear definition between acts and attitudes of Progressives, Liberals, and Humanitarians, as distinguished from Communists, we would be forced to conclude that, in brief, anyone not 100% anti-humanitarian, and 100% pro the present political status-quo (whatever it might happen to be), is Communist by inspiration or by application.. To be 100% pro-American then, one is required to be not only 100% antiNew Deal but also 100% anti-homosexual.
It is at this point that the principle and policy of the Mattachine Foundation enters the picture. It is true that the Foundation chooses to consider itself strictly non-partisan and non-political in its objective and in its operations and activities. But the Foundation is simultaneously committed to the opinion that the continued health and welfare of the Community generally is integrally contained in the shape of a new scientific understanding, a new appreciation free from taboos and baseless distortions, for the considerable Homosexual Minority. The Foundation is sincerely convinced that the American Community, through its age-old self-educational tradition of the town-hall debate, will move forward to a welcome integration of that Minority once the vehicle for debate has been made and carried out. The Foundation conceives of its function as the instrument to help develop and disseminate the channels of that debate. But in the very raising of the need for such debate, The Mattachine Foundation deliberately put itself squarely in opposition to a dominant section of the status quo, and elects to become a victim of the myriad implications and slanders derivative of that opposition.
To visualize the depth and scope of this opposition clearly, we must recall the victims of the Un-American Activities Committee's purge of the State Department in the late summer and fall of 1949, a purge which spread to the Agriculture Department, the Departments of the Interior, of Labor, and of Commerce, in 1950, 51, 52. In the first big juicy blast to hit the headlines,
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